
Small & Medium Enterprise (SME)

Chair: Neil Cullen

The SME Committee represents small and medium sized forest and woodlot owners.  It serves the needs of these forest owners within the FOA Committee structure. The Committee is chaired by the President of the NZ Farm Forestry Association, and most of the Committee are also NZFFA members who own small or medium sized woodlots.

The aim of the Committee is to ensure that levy funded activities include the interests of small and medium forest owners. The Committee communicates regularly with other Committees to ensure broad coverage of issues for small and medium woodlot owners. This includes transportation issues, environmental, and biosecurity awareness.

The terms of reference were adopted on 22 May 2018 (.pdf 959.62 KB)

The current work programme for the SME Committee focuses on improving access to quality forestry information in order to make informed decisions about harvest, sale, and planting.

2024 Work Programme (see page 26 to 27 of this PDF).


2024 Committee Meeting Dates:

  • 28 February
  • 29 May
  • 28 August
  • 16 October