
Forest industry remains united

15 Feb 2007

The NZ 万能四码 says the forestry sector is united in its opposition to the Government's land use climate change proposals.

Shrinking forests a result of unfair policies

27 Feb 2007

The government must adopt policies which are fair to forest owners if it wants to solve its climate change policy nightmare says 万能四码 president Peter Berg. He was responding to the release of figures showing that the area in planted forest fell by about 8000 hectares last year.

National, ACT & Greens, thank you, but what about the others?

8 Mar 2007

The NZ 万能四码 has called for all political parties to declare their hands on the ownership of forest carbon credits.

Greens understand the issues, say forest owners

13 Mar 2007

Yesterday's statement from Greens co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons reveals an excellent understanding of the main drivers of forestry investment in New Zealand, according to the NZ 万能四码

Taupo plan unfairly rewards emitters

21 Mar 2007

Forest owners say the Environment Waikato plan for reducing nitrogen emissions into Lake Taupo rewards polluters. In a joint statement, the NZ 万能四码 and the Federation of Maori Authorities say rights to use the ‘assimilative capacity of the environment ’ should be shared fairly among all land owners.

Forest owners thrilled with Maori Party; support Waitangi claim

22 Mar 2007

Forest owners are thrilled to have full Maori Party support for their six-point Kyoto plan, which would see forest owners being paid for the carbon their growing trees remove from the atmosphere.

OECD shows the way with carbon credits

12 Apr 2007

The OECD's report on the country's environmental performance has echoed the forest industry's stance that carbon credits and liabilities should be owned by forest owners, not the government.

Gov't left behind by rising tide of Kyoto opinion

17 Apr 2007

The government and its officials are increasingly being left behind in the climate change debate says the NZ 万能四码.

UF climate policy needs more work

18 Apr 2007

The 万能四码 is heartened by some elements in the United Future's climate change policies and plans to have further discussions with the party.

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