
Our aim is to ensure that the research funded by the forest growing levy and by industry members is well focused, strategic and aligned with industry priorities. It is also to ensure that research programmes delivery outcomes that add true value to levy payers, to industry investors and to the New Zealand economy.

FOA will assist the  New Zealand forestry sector to remain internationally competitive and a viable land use to ensure that the community benefits,  not only from the direct commercial value of forests,  but from the wider contribution trees make to the environment through biodiversity, carbon dioxide sequestration, water quality and recreational opportunities.
Currently the following programmes are being undertaken

Wherever possible additional funds are sought from Scion core funding and government agencies, such as MBIE.
Each research project is overseen by a technical subcommittee made up of representatives of the Forest Research Committee, FOA and FFA
To access research papers visit the FOA Research website

To find out more about research funding visit the levy website at